June 28, 2022

T3 Time Cards: A Powerful People Tool for Rental Customers


Now, you can do far more than just control your rentals to provide vital, actionable information about your jobsite. You can empower your most important resource - your workforce - to stay connected. With T3 Time Cards from EquipmentShare, your team can keep track of time spent on tasks and find new ways to work smarter. Integrated with T3, the operating system for construction, T3 Time Cards gives you a whole new way to build with control.

Here are a few common scenarios where T3 Time Cards puts technology and knowledge to work for you and your workforce:

Scenario 1: The Day Begins

8 o’clock and time to get to work. Your team files in and forms a line to clock in at the office before walking to various projects around the jobsite. The line can get long and some folks turn up a few minutes later to avoid the wait. By the time the last person punches the clock, it’s 8:15 - but that’s no big deal, right?

When your team is ready to start the day, it’s important they are able to quickly and easily clock in and get to work. Delays between clock-in time and getting to work are time and money wasted. How much time is wasted? On a jobsite of 100 people, just a 5-minute delay between clock-in time and work time is the same as paying an extra person. Wouldn’t you appreciate an extra set of hands?

With T3 Time Cards, your workforce can clock in on their mobile device from a geofenced area on the jobsite that you select. Supervisors can assign schedules right from the platform. As the needs of your project change, you can assign workers to the next jobsite and have them report directly there. You’ll be assured everyone is getting the day started in the right place, at the right time. At the end of the day, review and approve time cards right from your computer. Export your data, and use it with your ERP solution for payroll. T3 Time Cards isn’t just for the jobsite, though.

“You can add shop codes like mowing, cleaning and facility work,” said Kris Dunn, Senior Director of T3 Sales. “Getting granular can give you insight into how many hours are spent per task, so you can use that data to make better decisions for your employees' time.”

Scenario 2: A Tale of Two Technicians

With a yard full of equipment, you understand the importance of making sure everything is running smoothly. That’s why you’ve assigned two technicians to handle scheduled maintenance. You think two should be plenty for the size of your fleet - but why do you seem to need a third?

When individual team members are working efficiently, the entire team benefits. But with a larger team, spread out across yards and jobsites, how do you know if there’s something wrong? With the available features in T3 Time Cards, your team members can do more than just clock in - they can log in to specific job sites, phases or codes. You have the ability to customize everything to your needs and see how long recurring tasks take, sorted by worker. When you can see how long the average technician takes to complete a regular task, you can dig deeper and find efficiencies.

“We had a client who used work order tracking and discovered that one of his service technicians was taking twice as long with 500-hour service interval maintenance as other technicians,” said Dunn. “Turns out, it was because they were inadvertently doing the 250 hour service interval maintenance as well, which was unnecessary on that equipment. The employee was coached and money was saved.”

Scenario 3: On The Road

The trailer is loaded up, and it’s time to hit the road. Your driver just needs to clock in to work, clock in on the ELD, pull up the work order, let the dispatcher know what they’ve got, make the drive and track their drive and break times. We want drivers focused on a safe drive - isn’t there a better way? 

T3 Time Cards can stand alone as a complete time tracking solution, but fully integrates with T3, the operating system for construction. With T3 and Time Cards working together, your drivers have access to a complete system for safety, efficiency and compliance. Drivers can clock into a single system and select the project, phase and code - even assign the drive to a specific work order. Best of all, they’ll be compliant with DOT with eLogs and RODS at the same time. T3 can even track drive time and alert drivers when they are approaching their time limit for the day. 

“We’re giving you a tool to be compliant, but also more efficient,” said Dunn. “We can take three to four systems and seven to eight steps and condense that into one system and two to three steps.”

Scenario 4: The New Project

You’ve just completed construction on the county’s new middle school, and you’re proud of your team’s work. The next county over has invited you to bid on a nearly identical project, but has invited other companies to bid, as well. You know public bids face extra scrutiny. How do you deliver your best possible bid and land the project?

The benefits of T3 Time Cards extend far beyond the current project. With T3, you already have a complete picture of your equipment usage. When you have the same picture of your workforce and their work, you can add value to your company, not just your project. Use historical data to shape your bidding process and see how you can maximize your team’s effectiveness. Identify, recognize and retain your best people so you have them for the next project. Recognize opportunities to reduce hours that don’t sacrifice safety or the quality of the build. You can even use T3 Time Cards with salaried and administrative employees to justify hiring when needed. 

“Having a complete picture of your personnel usage helps you bid better when the next project comes along,” said Dunn. “You can find efficiencies and bid lower on the front end, and save money during the project.”

T3 Times Cards is available as a standalone solution, but comes with T3 at no additional charge.  And with T3 Time Cards and T3 working together, you’ll have a complete picture of your project, your fleet and your company. Find out more about T3 Time Cards and request a demo here

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