July 7, 2022

The “Hulk”: How Matt Holcomb Solves Problems and Keeps EquipmentShare Going Strong

Matt and his wife Brooke with their three dogs

“Some of the best advice I received when I got started in sales was get out of bed, get out of the truck, talk to somebody and ask them for their business,” Matt said. “It’s that simple. You have to be hungry and ambitious, but also able to bounce back when things don’t go your way.”

Growing up, Matt Holcomb loved Conan the Barbarian, idolized Arnold Schwarzenegger and wanted to be a professional bodybuilder. Matt’s love for the sport of bodybuilding began when he watched Conan for the first time as a kid and said “I want to look like that guy,” — meaning Arnold. 

“I started bodybuilding in 2008 and won my pro card in 2012,” Matt said. “I love going to shows and judging and speaking at fitness seminars. That’s my passion and something I truly enjoy.”

Matt started out as a teacher and coach, but after realizing it wasn’t where he belonged, Matt got involved in the equipment rental industry as a yard technician. Through quick learning and hard work, Matt moved his way up to sales and loves helping a company like EquipmentShare build from the ground up.

Today, Matt serves as a director of sales and business development – a position where he has excelled. Matt’s role involves managing national accounts, coordinating all aspects of sales across the nation and staying up to date on everything EquipmentShare has to offer — from small parts to our T3 platform of technology solutions.

“I do all sorts of things from traveling to construction sites, meeting with clients, making sure orders are in place and building relationships with new business partners. I love helping customers, and if you don’t, you can’t do this job,” Matt said.

“I love what I do and I love all the different things EquipmentShare can do,” Matt said. “We’ve got so many levers to pull to be able to help our customers. We rent equipment, we sell equipment, we have T3 technology for the equipment, we have parts, we can work on your equipment — we can do it all.”

Matt’s strengths are not just physical. If you get to know him, you learn he’s pretty strong on the inside as well. Matt and his wife of nearly six years, Brooke, have been trying to build their family the last few years, but have suffered some devastating losses.

“Last year, we lost my son to premature birth and, this year, we lost my daughter to a condition called Triploidy,” Matt said. Triploidy is a rare chromosomal abnormality that usually leads to miscarriage.

“The people at EquipmentShare are just so amazing to us. The outpouring of love and compassion this company has shown — from the CEO on down — has been astounding. They know Brooke and my story and they’ve been so good to us with whatever we needed. I thank them for that and I’ll never forget it.”

With the full support of EquipmentShare management, Matt took some time off to be with his family and is now back in his white EquipmentShare truck, going to jobsites and working hard to help customers solve their problems. (And of course, getting in some weightlifting, too.)

“Every morning when I get up, I try to make a difference. I try to be a leader,” Matt said. “I tell my team that life — and this job — are like coaching a ballgame. You have your game plan and that’s what you try to stick to, and if something doesn’t go your way, you adapt and regroup and figure out a way to move forward. And that’s what we do.”

At EquipmentShare, our employees are our greatest asset. By putting people first, we make overall employee wellness a priority – and that comes in the form of wellness education, gym stipends, nutrition and physical activity contests, providing for family time and meals, and more. Together, we are building the future of construction and creating a better way to work. 

Do you have the drive, ambition and hunger to get out there to do what no other company is doing? If you’re great at building relationships, solving problems and truly listening to your customers, come find your calling at EquipmentShare. Visit equipmentshare.com/careers to apply.

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